II – A fé que nos governa: a crise identitária e a fé no Estado

Os avanços tecnológicos e científicos trouxeram inúmeros benefícios, mas, em contrapartida, enfraqueceram a fé espiritual de muitas pessoas. A ideia da “mão invisível de Deus” passou a ser vista como ultrapassada e até retrógrada, já que a ciência sugere que vivemos em um universo mecânico, onde indivíduos e sociedades são livres para criar suas próprias…

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I – O Falso herói

Vivemos em um mundo emaranhado de informações, a guerra das narrativas tomou conta de nossa era. Tragédias iminentes são atiradas nas redes sociais como anzóis no oceano e o público morde a isca sem pestanejar. Nesse cenário caótico e apocalíptico, surgem figuras de todas as estirpes: mocinhos, bandidos, reféns, bobos da corte, palermas e até…

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The Giggler

Rising from her position as California’s first female Attorney General to U.S. Senator and eventually Vice President, Kamala Harris’s ascent masks a troubling past. Amid promises of progress and justice, Harris’s actions reveal the chasm between rhetoric and reality. Often noted for her frequent giggles and vague responses punctuated by the word “unburdened,” she has…

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The Joeker: part II

Joe Biden’s lack of honesty and political integrity was evident from the early stages of his career, as was his willingness to exploit his office for personal gain and vendettas. Throughout his presidency, Biden and his administration have relentlessly painted Donald Trump as a threat to democracy, a narrative many see as driven by Trump’s…

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The Joeker: part I

After four years of ghost governing, many people are questioning how this frail, senile old man became president of one of the world’s most powerful nations, the United States of America. Joe Biden’s troubling performance has triggered a political crisis within the Democratic Party, leading many Americans to believe he is not truly the one…

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